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Yalina Soft, gentle
Yalqoot An early woman who gave much in charity
Yamamah Valley in Arabia


Yamina Right, Proper
Yaminah Right and proper
Yara Little Butterfly
Yashal Freshness, greenry
Yasmeenah Sweet-smelling flower
Yasmin Jasmine flower
Yasmina A beautiful flower that shines
Yasmine Flower
Yasna It means white rose in arabic
Yassaman The flower Jasmin
Yelda Dark night
Yumna Good fortune, success
Yusayrah Easy. One of the first two swear allegiance (bayah) to the Prophet (S.A.W) among the Ansar (but it is also said that she was among the Muhajirs (Emigrants)
Yusra Prosperous
Yusur Prosperous